: Jejak senyawa kimia dari bahan-bakar roket ditemukan dalam susu bubuk formula bayi. Ok bahan-bakar roket, bahan yang mahal dan agak susah dicari bahkan BATAN masih import. Itulah kenapa Indonesia gak pernah punya rudal atau satelit pribadi. Susu bubuk formula, baik untuk perkembangan bayi. Hey, wait a minute. Bahan-bakar roket dan susu bubuk formula bayi dalam satu kalimat kemasan!! Hey apa itu. Shocking.
Konon bahan yang ditemukan adalah perchlorate yaitu semacam senyawa garam yang terbentuk dari asam pericloric Cl O4−. Perchlorate biasanya digunakan untuk bahan peledak, kembang api, obat-obatan, bahkan bahan bakar yang digunakan untuk roket. ( Seem scarry he? Sayangnya gak seseram itu. Perchlorate telah digunakan untuk pengobatan “Perchlorate has been used as a medication to treat hyperthyroidism since the 1950s.[2] At very high doses (70,000–300,000 ppb) the administration of potassium perchlorate was considered the standard of care in the United States, and remains the approved pharmacologic intervention for many countries. In the early 1960s, potassium perchlorate was implicated in the development of aplastic anemia—a condition where the bone marrow fails to produce new blood cells in sufficient quantity—in thirteen patients, seven of whom died.[3] Subsequent investigations have indicated the connection between administration of potassium perchlorate and development of aplastic anemia to be “equivocable at best” (
Itu kalau sakit! Nah, kalau tidak sakit? Lain lagi masalahnya. “Perchlorate greatly impacts human health by interfering with iodide uptake into the thyroid gland. In adults, the thyroid gland helps regulate the metabolism by releasing hormones, while in children, the thyroid helps in proper development. Perchlorate is becoming a serious threat to human health and water resources” Perchlorate sebagian besar mempengaruhi kesehatan manusia dengan melawan pengambilan iodine dalam kelenjar thiroid. Singkatnya, perchlorate menjadi ancaman serius bagi kesehatan dan sumber air kita. “A study involving healthy adult volunteers determined that at levels above 0.007 milligrams per kilogram per day (mg/kg-d), perchlorate can temporarily inhibit the thyroid gland’s ability to absorb iodine from the bloodstream (”iodide uptake inhibition”, thus perchlorate is a known goitrogen).[16] The EPA converted this dose into a reference dose of 0.0007 mg/kg-d by dividing this level by the standard intraspecies uncertainty factor of 10. The agency then calculated a “drinking water equivalent level” of 24.5 ppb by assuming a person weighs 70 kilograms (154 pounds) and consumes 2 liters (68 ounces) of drinking water per day over a lifetime.[17] Thus, 25 ppb was set as the recommended drinking water standard (the DWEL). For that reason, most media reports call this the “safe” level of exposure. The NAS report also stated additional research would be helpful, but emphasized that the existing database on perchlorate was sufficient to make its reference dose recommendation and ensure it would be protective for everyone.”
Kenapa kita harus merasa cemas? Sebagaimana kasus susu bermelamin di China efeknya lambat-laun akan mengglobal. Dampak yang dirasakan mungkin satu atau dua generasi mendatang. Kenapa cemas? karena generasi peneuslah yang akan mempertahankan keutuhan negara dan bangsa ini! Save the children save the nations.
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